Tag: competition

SHOW US YOUR SHORTS 2013 – Spring Edition



EFF’s 72-hour film competition is back for Spring 2013!

Kickoff: Friday, May 3, 5pm

Deadline: Monday, May 6, 5pm

Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, May 8, 7pm

Here’s how to enter:

Step 1:


Come to May 3rd the kickoff at Gallery One for directions and key elements for your short film.

➙ There is a $20 fee for each film.

Payments will be accepted at kickoff, or with final submitted materials in cash or check.

Step 2:


72 hours to script, film, and edit.

Step 3:


Drop off your final DVD no later than 5PM on May 6th in the EFF Office, which is upstairs in Gallery One, the second door around the corner from the elevator.

Step 4:


Short films will be screened at Gallery One, 408 N Pearl, downtown Ellensburg.

Awards will be given for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Cinematography.

Shorts for the win!

Spring has returned to the Kittitas Valley, and our hearts turn once again to making movies. That’s right, folks, EFF is organizing another filming spree. Participating teams will write an original screenplay, shoot and edit the footage all in one weekend. Sleep? Fuggedaboutit! Check out the Facebook page, then get your crew together and contact EFF to register: pr@ellensburgfilmfestival.com.

The competition launches at noon on Saturday, April 30.

Final cut due at noon on Monday, May 2.

Screening and awards on Saturday, May 14.

See you there!