Tag: website

Design Daze

Check out the swank new banner at www.ellensburgfilmfestival.com.

It’s another gorgeous design by Tami Sawyer. She did such a great job last year putting together our “look” and creating all our print materials (and doing all the PR & Marketing – we miss you, Tami!), we asked her to help us kick off preparations for our 6th annual fest by updating the web page masthead.

It took a lot longer than expected to get to this. In fact, we started working on it in February with and went through a dozen revisions before the final. Here is some of the progression:

As you can see, we started with more color intensity and mulled around for quite awhile. It was back and forth, blue/lime vs. red/orange, both using the filmstrip elements from last year’s poster and a sort of floral overlay. But, in the end, this direction seemed too drastic a move away from the promotional material printed for EFF in the past.

So we sat down and decided on a new palette, laid out all of the past year’s posters, and selected a series of elements/ideas that we wanted represented, and set our good friend Tami to work in a new direction.

Here are a couple of drafts created en route to the final design:

Now we just have to find a way to carry this quality through to the EFF#6 posters, postcards, tickets and program.